Tuesday, March 15, 2011

FIFA´s president destroys project of soccer development,this injustice must not be allowed; worldwide fanatics make your voice be heard!

It is disappointing how FIFA´s president, Sepp Blatter, has withdrawn his support in the implementation of new technologies in soccer, a worldwide sport. His arguments are not objective; they are based on personal points of view, archaic ideas, and by the simple fear to the development process.  How is it possible to think that a technological application, such as the goal-line system, not as useless but as a conflict for the decision making process that the referees need to do through the whole game. The implementation of the mentioned technologies would produce a completely opposite effect, those that are always complaining on a referee’s decision  over a goal or a failed goal, the referees would be able to prevent social conflicts, and would liberate themselves from the burden that means to determine a goal or a failed goal. Soccer fanatics in their majority support the implementation of new technologies. They understand that the use of these systems would reduce the error percentage produced by the incapacity of any referee of being to be present and completely concentrated at every moment and place during a game.  The decision taken by the IFAB and not only supported but guaranteed by the FIFA´s president must have opposition, worldwide fanatics of soccer must raise their voice, for the sport´s sake, for a development in the decision making process during any game, this kind of childish and unjust decisions must not be allowed in our sport, the sport of the people. The way Sepp Blatter withdrew his support of the implementation and his so called base arguments of preventing a chaos to produce in the decision making organism of soccer, the FIFA, simply present his fear to change, to development, to the idea that his personal dictatorship over FIFA since 1998, supported by the personal dictatorships in the regional and national soccer federations, could come to an end.  They, the dictators of soccer organizations must let the sport to develop if it is of their interest the wealth being of it, and not only to maintain their personal dictatorships over these organizations that they have successfully proven for years. The soccer fanatics all over the world must make their voice be heard at the soccer organizations, at the summits of the FIFA, and most importantly make sure that the development of this world fame sport continues and does not become stagnant.

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